
Fecal Incontinence

Fecal Incontinence

Fecal Incontinence services offered in Houston, TX

Not many people talk about it, but it’s estimated that about 33% of people in the United States have fecal incontinence. At Bayou City Surgical Specialists in Houston, Texas, Daniel Lee Howell, Jr., MD, FACS and Terah Isaacson, MD, FACS, provide surgical treatment for fecal incontinence when medical interventions fail. The surgery practice is transparent about pricing, so you know the cost of treatment before starting. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about surgical treatment for fecal incontinence.

What is fecal incontinence?  

Fecal incontinence is when you don’t have full control over your bowel movements. It’s when you unintentionally leak liquid or solid bowel movements. You may only leak a small amount of liquid stool when passing gas or have no control over your bowel habits and lose large amounts of stool.

Though not an uneasy topic for many, fecal incontinence is more common than you might think. If you don’t have full control over your bowel movements, talk to your doctor for guidance. Fecal incontinence is treatable. 

What causes fecal incontinence?

Diarrhea and constipation are common causes of fecal incontinence. These bowel conditions may weaken the muscles that control bowel movements, leading to leakage.  

You may also develop fecal incontinence if you have damage to the nerves or muscles that control the bowels. Damage may occur following surgery, an injury, or an underlying medical condition like diabetes. Overuse of laxatives may also affect bowel control, leading to fecal incontinence.

Pelvic organ prolapse may also cause fecal incontinence. This condition occurs when the pelvic muscles weaken, allowing the pelvic organs to fall into each other, like the rectum falling into the anus, affecting bowel control. 

How is fecal incontinence treated?

Treatment for fecal incontinence depends on the cause. Initially, your doctor may recommend medical interventions such as:

  • Bowel habit training
  • Diet changes
  • Kegel exercises
  • Medications to improve muscle control

When medical interventions aren’t enough to help you gain control over your bowel habits, you may benefit from a consultation with the experts at Bayou City Surgical Specialists.

What are surgeries for fecal incontinence?

Bayou City Surgical Specialists customizes surgery plans after completing a thorough initial assessment and finding the cause of your fecal incontinence. Types of surgeries performed for fecal incontinence include:


A sphincteroplasty involves tightening the damaged sphincter muscles with stitches to improve bowel control.

Artificial anal sphincter

For an artificial anal sphincter, the surgeons place a prosthetic device around the natural anus that mimics the actions of the anal muscle to support bowel habits.


A colostomy is a surgical procedure that creates a new anal opening for waste, usually in the abdominal area. 

Call Bayou City Surgical Specialists today or book an appointment online to learn more about surgery for fecal incontinence.